
Thursday, 20 February 2020

Long Jump & High Jump

Today we are doing our sports hurumanu and all that we have done and we going to share it to our blog, so today first we did the high jump and then next we are doing the long jump after we have done all we gonna record what metres we got.

High Jump

Long Jump

Shot Put



1500 metre
8.15 minutes

High Jump:
Fosbury Flop

  1. Land with your arms and your feet facing up, Land on your back.
  2. When you take off it should be on 1 foot.
  3. When you leave the ground you must spin around and use your knee to turn.

Long Jump:
  1. Run up is 21 steps.
  2. Take off will be from the second marker.
  3. Land will be measured from the back foot
  4. Land with both feet together.
  5. If you are over the second marker when you jump it is a fowl jump

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Learning Reflection

A conclusion on what the ‘Whare tapa wha’ is and how it illustrates Hauora
Whare tapa wha is the four walls of the house. 4 parts Hauora wellbeing 
How did you participate during this lesson?
I participate well if I don't know what does it mean ill ask the teacher or my friend beside me
What is the current state of your hauora?
My Hauora is well there is 4 part of Hauora, Spiritual, Physical, Mental and emotional, social, there are 10 minutes wellbeing and I chose to run outside play basketball in 10 minutes which is physical wellbeing.
Screenshot of slide 8

Testing for Complex sugars - the lodine test

We are doing some testing for complex sugar to see if its protein, complex or simple. I put all the work what we have done on my blog.

Aim To see if different food has simple sugars, complex sugars or protein in.       

Apple, I think its protein.
Bread,  I think its complex.
Potato, I think its complex.
Egg,  I think its protein.
Milk, I think It's simple.
 Bread: Complex

Equipment: Test tube, food sample, iodine solution.

Method: 1. place about 2 ml of the sample in a test tube.

                             2. Add 3-5 drops of iodine and mix


Apple and egg there both protein, bread and potato they also both complex and there is the only 1 is simple is the milk.


This is our first testing for complex sugars, I have 1 friend that is in my group we work together to do this testing and I think we've done very well.


Testing for simple sugars

Today we going to do another test, it's about food like to determine whether it contains simple sugars. I put all information I learn about this test on my blog and I hope u like.

Aim:  To test a sample of food to determine whether it contains simple sugars, complex sugars and protein sugars.


  • I think that egg is going to be simple sugar.
  • I think that bread is going to be a complex sugar.
  • I think that Apple is going to be a protein sugar.
  • I think that the potato is going to be a complex sugar.
  • I think that glucose is going to be a simple sugar.
  • I think that milk is going to be a simple sugar.

Equipment:  Water bath, test tongs, Benedict's Solution, a sample of food


1.  Place about 2 ml of the sample into a test tube and then add 5 drops of Benedict's Solution.
2.  Heat with a water bath until it changes colour, Do not boil.


For the apple, bread, and potato they change colour to look at the picture and u can see what colour it is.

For the egg.gluecose and milk, u can see that the colour stay and didn't change and there is white on the top and the bottom is blue.

The three top picture is egg, milk, and glucose.
The three bottom picture is apple, bread, potato.


As u can see in the photo some of them are the normal colour and some of them mixing colour, the one who is in the photo is m partner we work together as a group to do this testing. After we have done the testing I take photos of each of our testing and put it on our blog so u can see what have we done.

Testing for protein

Today we are going to do a protein test After we did testing the protein we are going to write it on our blog and share it with other people who will see my blog, 

Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein.


I think potatoes are going to be negative protein.
I think Apple is going to be negative for protein.
I think milk is going to be positive for protein.
I think the egg is going to be positive for protein.
I think bread is going to be negative for protein.
I think the sugar is going to be negative for protein.

Equipment:  Test tube, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), copper sulfate (CuSO), food sample.


1.  Place about 2 ml of the sample into a  test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide.

2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate.

3. Shake the test tube gently from side to side.


All of the negative for protein is bread, apple, potatoes, sugar.
All of the positive for protein egg, milk, because of the bread, apple, potatoes, sugars they didn't make of meat.


We didn't do the experiment because if we do it it will take to long, our science teacher does the experiment show us every experiment she did like apple, potatoes, milk, egg, sugars, bread and us we can see there is more negative for a protein that positive. 


The bread is negative for protein because the bread didn't make for meat it's just a bread that u can eat.
The milk is positive for protein because the milk is from a cow.
The egg is positive for protein because the egg is for the chicken when they lay an egg.
The apple is negative for protein its grow up so lots of people can eat it because it's healthy.
The sugar is negative for protein because its made of the machine.
The potatoes are negative for protein because it's just same the apple they put the seeds on the mud then it will grow and grow fruits.

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Shot Put

Today we're blogging about tips what we learn in shot put.

Here are some tips we learn

Image result for shot put
1.  Hold the ball with 3 fingers

2.  Keep your wrist lock

3.  Keep your elbow up

4.  Don't bend your wrist

5. Your second arm pointing out straight

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Self Directed Learners

Welcome to the self-directed learners, We are going to do our goal and post it in our blog. U should have 3 goals this activity

This is my goal this activity

I reflect on my learning by asking:
Ask feedback when I unsure:
Know what skills I need to develop  so I can learn: