
Friday, 16 April 2021

What I feel this term? -ESOL

 Hello guys today im blogging about what I have felt this term and what have been doing in our work for this term and what we have learnt, we also did some blogging in Esol about what does respect mean for me and what is my favourite culture celebration.

I feel this term is good because we have learned a lot of ESOL work and our new teacher is very nice to us. I learn about reading skills and blogging about what does respect mean for me and others more. We also play some board games that connect in ESOL work and it's not a board game that normally is because the board game we play is like 2 or three letters and we have to add words so it does make sense.  We also have done Grammar enrichment where our teacher put the pages on the slide and the link of the page so we can read it and some of the pages that our teacher put, we have to work on it and put it in out google docs.  We also blog about 250-300 words like what is my favourite culture celebration and I also post it on my blog.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Visual art work-Wananga

 For the past 2 weeks, we have to work about our culture in our Wananga, First, we have to identify what kind of my culture do I share, Because some people do art, clay, explanation and others more. I did art because I think that it's easier for me to share my culture. 

This is my culture because when I was in the Philippines I live in the city and move to my grandfather and grandmother house because no one gonna take care of me and my brother and sister because my mom is going to New Zealand and find a job but my dad is already in New Zealand. I live with my grandfather and grandmother and they have their own land in the mountain and my grandfather and my uncle teach me what are we gonna do in the mountain if we are there. It takes 15 to 20 minutes to go there if you walk but 10 minutes if like ride a car or motorcycle. Most of the drawing that I draw is all in my grandfather mountain. All my drawing is connected to my country in the Philippines where my grandfather and grandmother have their own mountain land that where we can go and visits and one time I sleep in the Bahay Kubo in the mountain before and it was scary because there was creepy noise. My grandmother and grandfather have a lot of chicken in the mountain, one of my uncles needs to go there on the mountain every day to feed the chicken.

Friday, 9 April 2021

Acid and Bases -SCIENCE

 Hi guys, today im blogging about what we have done on Science Experiments. We have to choose 4 questions about Acid and Bases that we can answer and explain. We have to be in a group and I and my friend Name Khush Answer the 4 questions in the DLO and post them on our blog.

Live Aid Research

Hi, guys for the past few days we have Finnish our  Woodstock topic in Social Studies and now we are going to move on and Going to another topic called Lived Aid. Today Im blogging about 2 famous Band-aid, We have to explain who they are and why they were involved. We have to post it on our blog and add an image of the 2 Famous Band-aid. 

Once you have gathered enough information, write a paragraph for each saying who they are and why they were involved

Bob Geldof Research:

Geldof was born in Ireland in 1951, He was educated at a private Catholic school, though he later said he didn't enjoy his time there because of the Catholic ethos and bullying for his lack of rugby prowess.

In 1975, Bob Geldof became the lead singer of the Boomtown rats a punk rock band. He famously stated the reason for joining a pop band. It was 1981 Bob Geldof was invited to take part in a concert for Amnesty International and this sowed a seed of future ideas for Bob.

In the summer of 1985, Bob Geldof was one of the main organisers behind the Live Aid Concert at Wembley. It was a sixteen-hour rock extravaganza aimed at raising money and awareness for Africa. It was a unique musical event capturing the imagination and attention of the world.

Following this concert, he became more involved in work for non-governmental organisations in Africa and became one of the leading spoke people on Third World Debt Relief.

From Band Aid to hearing aid: Midge Ure's growing deafness | Bob geldof, Midge  ure, Band aidThe Making of Band Aid: Secrets and Stories From the Legendary Session -  Rolling Stone

Midge Ure Research:

Midge Ure was born on October 10, 1953, in Cambuslang, Strathclyde, Scotland as James Ure. He has been married to Sheridan Forbe since July 15, 2003. They have three children. He was previously married to Annabel Giles.

Midge Ure began his professional music career with Salvation, a Glasgow-based group that became the bubblegum band Slik in 1974. Upset in the change direction, Ure left the band to join the Rich Kids, a punk.

Once he joined the ban in 1980, Ure helped make Ultravox a mainstream success. During this time he also worked as a producer, making records with Steve Harley and Modern Man. in 1982,  Midge Ure released a solo single, a cover of the Walking Brothers' hit'' No Regrets''. It claimed into the U.K Top ten. Ure and Bob Geldof formed Band aid, a special project to aid famine relief efforts in Ethiopia in 1984.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

My favourite Culture celebration

Hello guys, Today in our ESOL lesson we have to blog about what kind of culture that I like to celebrate in Newzealand. Our ESOL teacher said that we have to post it on our blog. I blog about what my family culture celebrates and celebrated once a year.

What is Culture?

Culture for me is like where other countries do things like there make their own traditional music, art, clothing, tools, beliefs etc. There are 195 countries in the world each of the countries has different culture and beliefs. For example, some people in their country do not believe. In my religion, we know that Jesus is god but in other people's religion in their country thinks that Jesus is not god. In different countries, they make their own music and most people in other countries doesn’t know what it means because is not there language they usually speak. Other countries make their own clothes and other country doesn't know what kind of clothes is that because in their country have clothes that they usually wear it and other countries have a different style of clothes.

What is Santo Nino?

My favourite cultural celebration is Santo Nino where a lot of  Filipino come together and celebrate Santo Nino. They make an event and all Filipino come together. In the Philippines, they celebrate Santo Nino in Cebu were a lot of people. We celebrate Santo Nino once a year On the third Sunday of January. There is another name of Santo Nino called Sinulog. Usually, Santo Nino is celebrated in other religion because in the Philippines there are a lot of languages we speak but for me, I can only speak 3 languages.

 In Cebu, we usually speak Bisaya one of the languages in the Philippines but some Tagalog join us to celebrate Santo Nino, the same country but different religion. I and My family join the Santo Nino in New Zealand where we always celebrate every year. My family friend making songs or like a dance that there gonna show for the people who will come to the Santo Nino event on the third Sunday of January. Usually, we have to go to the park and bring our own Santo Nino before we go inside of the church. First, we did is we went outside and bring Santo Nino and we make a line and dance Santo Nino walking to church and then after that, we have to go inside the church and take a mass after we take a mass we have to go to the house that we hire so we can celebrate there. Lots of Filipino bringing their own Filipino foods to share with other people.

The Sinulog-Santo Niño Festival in Cebu CityFeast for Santo Niño and Sinulog is Cebu's biggest event | Catholics &  Cultures

Santo Nino Music: