
Thursday, 6 December 2018

Passion Project

I and my friend almost finished our work on the third stone, it is really hard but we can still do it. I and my friends need to sand our third stone to finish it. it is so fun that you work with your friend that doesn't not annoying you.  

What was your favourite part? 

My favourite part is the first one that we made because it is so cool, It is a little bit hard but we did it it is really fun, we use all the material that we need for this stone, like a chisel, cheese grater, rasp and more other material.

What was challenging for you?

It is the first stone that we made it is very challenging we need to make it really good and don't break it because it is really easy to break. We need to do the best thing that we can, it is really challenging but we still did it even it's not really good.

What Could we do differently to improve stone carving?

We can improve what we do in stone carving, like respecting our what are we making, If you're are done you can help other people by doing something that they make them like feel almost done.  I could do differently by helping each other when someone is finished.

You're final thought or comment!

I think you need to be careful in stone carving because some of there material is really spikey, you gonna get the heart in your hands. I like the stone carving because it is really fun to do with your friends, It is really hard but you can try your best when it is getting harder you can do it because it is really hard for the first time but in the second or third time it is really easy because you already know how to do it.

Monday, 3 December 2018

Cyber smart Reflection

Last term We've been doing some researching Google, like who is Austin Post  I search in google it says Austin post its not the real name, the real name is Post Malone. I learn so much in cyber smart I learn I can found an information on google, I learn Where I can find the information about something that I didn't know.  Term four We've been searching about amphibious, amphibious is like a bicycle that automatic bike. I've learned how to make it, I've learned how to use it safely and It will automatically move.

My favourite thing in Cybersmart is Google search because When some word that you don't know or you don't understand, you can search it in google there is a lot of information on google.  Something that didn't enjoy was finding a really hard word in a google search. Something my Cybersmart teacher did well is helping has, giving us a information, helping us how we can do it. I could do better is putting a lot of information.

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Stone carving Picture

I design this logo for stone carving so they know what material they can use and there is more material that they can use. Stone carving is really good because you can use a material that you don't know how to use it.

Monday, 26 November 2018

Stone Carving

We've been doing our work in stone, it is really good working with my friends. I and my friends finishing our work,  We use sandpaper, hammer and more other material. Mr Mithcell said to stop because we need to watch what is he doing, he said that" if you think you finished your work that what you're doing, then show it to me because I will drill it so it is gonna be cool"

I and my friends show it to Mr Mithcell and he drills it,  But I and my friends we nearly finished the work. I think on Thursday we gonna finish it. 

   Image result for we use drillImage result for hammerImage result for sandpaper

Hello Emma

HI, Emma, my name is JV

I came from Hornby High school, I am year 7, from  7Ds class.  My favourite Sport is football and basketball, my fun thing to do is playing with my sister and brother, also playing a game on my phone. My favourite food is hamburger and my favourite drink is juice. My favourite subject is reading, writing, math.

What if I Won in summer learning journey!

The only prize I want is the Chromebook or the drone, I hope one of those I  can get.  I would try my best to get the prize.

Image result for We are the champion
Image result for DroneImage result for BasketballImage result for chromebook

Thursday, 22 November 2018

Passion Project, Maori stone\ojects2018/home
Thu, Nov,22

  Today in period one we've been doing our Maori work stone to finish it some of us didn't finish it but I and my friends already finished it. We have a new project Maori stone, it is really good we've started it today.

It is really fun to do this passion project because you can learn new things.  It is really fun working with your friends,  Passion project it like learning a new thing that you didn't know how to do it.

I've learned how to make a stone carving and I learned how to use the material like a hammer, sandpaper, and more other material. I learn how to make the stone cool with sandpaper, I learn how the stone not gonna break, I learn how to do it slowly and softly.

Monday, 19 November 2018\ojects2018/home
Monday, Nov 19

Today we've been planning about what kind of style do we put in our biggest Maori stone.  My style called fish hook in Maori called Hie Matua. This is my favourite style because it is really cool, In my paper, I write about what is the meaning of the Hie Matua. I put lots of information about what is the meaning of the Hie Matua.

In our little stone, we've been making it too cool so many people will see it and they think that it is cool. I and my friends almost finished the small Maori stone, we've been working so hard to finish it.

Image result for Fish Hook Maori image

SLJ Summer Learning Journey

Summer Learning Journey

The name of the capital city is Ottawa city of Canada.

The population of the capital city in Canada is 36. 71 million.

In January, the weather in Canada is usually around on the average daytime temperatures are around -8°C (17°F), whereas the average minimum temperatures during the night are around -15°C (6°F).

Canada is located in North America (northern, southern, middle) part of the country. 

The languages are most commonly spoken in Canada are French and English.Image result for canada flag

Monday, 12 November 2018


Today we've been blogging about amphibious, Amphibious is like a human-powered vehicle, it's like made by a human, It's like an old machine that you can use it again by different stuff like bikes, cars, and vehicles. machines, metal and plastics stuff can make an automatic bike, so many people by different countries are making a an automatic stuff, like robots. machines, metal, and plastic can make a robot. That's all I know about amphibious, I hope guys you'd like my blog today.
Image result for amphibious bicycle 1932

Monday, 29 October 2018

Who is Austin Post?

I search in google search name Austin Post, but I see the real name is Post Malone, It's kind of weird. when I search Austin Post and it comes Post Malone, and there is lots of the image. If you want to watch his songs search in google  Post Malone songs and there are lots of songs he Sing.

Search Austin Post in google search it says his name, Post Malone.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Fishing on the Holiday

HI, guys today I will be sharing my holiday last week...

Last week we went fishing with my family,  suddenly my dad said that my sister friends invited to come fishing with us.  We bring food, water, and fishing yard and my sister-friends went to the water after there is a wave and they run away from the wave. Then my family said we need to eat because they are hungry.  We get our food after, we were placed on the table and I and my Dad trying to get a cool little stone so we can put it to our fish.

My dad and uncle and my sister friends dad, we're trying to get a big fish but they can't because In the Sea the waves are so big. Our food that the fish eat fell in the Sea because of the very big waves. After we didn't get a fish we were sitting down on the floor to eat again our food, when they are eating I was putting a sand and little rock on my feet and to my stomach. My dad said to my sister friends dad, tomorrow was going to the Kaikoura on 12.00 Am. In Kaikoura 3:15 hours to go there.

Thank you for watching my blog, I really appreciate😀

                                                                  Here are photos


Free Writing

In the night, there was a girl name Lesley, Lesley is 5 years old. She loves scary movies at the night, she always looks scary movies. Then she finished looking the scary movie on her computer, she was drowsy and she was slowly going to her bed. Lesley dreamed that she went to a large house with colorful blue lights and it was so foggy. Lesley said, ''This place is familiar ". when she was 2 years old she already went into this place. Lesley slowly walking down to the stairs and she holds a bag with water and food. When she suddenly woke up in her bed and she said ''it was just a dream".  Lesley carried out and dreamed.


Thursday, 13 September 2018


For the last 3 weeks, we are going to have commenting  challenged
Here is the challenge

I need your help by commenting on my blog because in the last 3 weeks our teacher has a challenge for us. If you receive a comment, you will get points, whoever has the most point win the challenge. By the end of the term, the student most point will get a prize.


Monday, 20 August 2018

Reading Plus
Reading plus is like you read your own and you need to understand some word, You need to read really carefully because in the last there is some question that you need to answer. If its green it means correct, if its yellow it means like when you answer it and its wrong you have another chance to find the correct answer, you slick the correct answer then it came a yellow color. If its red its means wrong.
 If you always go in your reading plus your brain get lots of information. Reading plus help you how to read or to understand words.  

My next step is to be lots of 80% higher not going down like 70%. I really need to work hard to get better at reading plus.

Here is some link  where to find Reading Plus