Hi, welcome to my blog today im blogging about what we had played, We play softball and today im going to teach you how to play it properly.
We played with even teams of 9 and the other teams go batting and we go fielding. In the first game, I was in the back and waiting to the other teams hit the ball and I hope that the ball will come to me so the batting will get out, There is 3 out of your teams got out 3 times the fielding will go batting and the batting will go fielding, it's just like swapping. When 1 of my friend in the other team hit the ball and luckily the ball came to me and I catch it and he's out. When the other team got 3 out, my team is going to batting and the other team going to fielding. All my team were good they are so good aiming the softball. When it's my turn to hit the ball, It was my first try and I hit the ball go far away and I run fast but I didn't get back, When is my other teams turn luckily she hit the ball and I run fast and I cam back to where did I wait for batting. Suddenly when our teacher said that we won and we need to stop because we need to blog about what we have learned.
I am a student at in Uru Mānuka. In 2020 I was a year 9 and in 2021 I will be a year 10. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note....some work won't be edited - just my first drafts, so there may be some surface errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas.
Thursday, 19 March 2020
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Workshop 3 How do ‘Lighting & Colour’ enhance the story? English
How we feel watching the scene
Lighting and colour
Warm-makes feel comfortable, safe, welcoming.
Cold- feels sterile, clean,futunistic,technological.
Bright- feels more lively, energised, vibrant.
Dull- feel calm, quiet, boring, old.
Natural- sources are sun/moon, feels like real life
Artificial- Man-made sources, feel unnatural.
Pallette- The colours used in that shot e.g nature palette will have colours found in nature like browns/greens.
The scene where August cries to his mum about looking different.
- They don't even talk to me
- My face is ugly
- Is it always going to matter
- Auggie mum goes into his room to check on him, He tells her others make fun of him and she reassures him
- Theme - the importance of friend and family
Shots/Angle -
- close up used to show Auggie emotions
- Over the shoulder when mum speaks to show conversation from Auggie points of view.
-Warm dark colours
-This is a safe and comfortable space for Auggie to cry
-Dull colours - sad, lonely, sympathetic, calm quiet
- Natural light - is night-time.
Effect on the viewer
-Sympathetic. sad, sorry, lonely, depressed, miserable, downhearted, forlorn
Directors Purpose →
Emphasises the sadness of the moment and the importance of Auggies relationship with his family.
Co-Construct our SEXXXY paragraph
In the scene where Auggie cries to his mother about being bullied, colour and lighting are used to create an atmosphere of sympathy. We see this through the use of warm and dull colours in the shot.
These make the space feel safe and comfortable for Auggie to express his emotions. This makes us understand how Auggie is feeling, miserable, oppressed and depressed because he looks different from his peers. He asks his mum, 'will it always matters' which is a feeling most in the audience can relate too. This was done to show the theme, the importance of friendship and family, because Auggie learns resilience by talking issues through his mum. Combine with this is the use of close-up shots to shows the emotions and tears on Auggie face. The viewer of a moment later in the story where Auggie is upset because his sister Via doesn't want him to go to her play. Just like this scene, Auggie runs to his room upset and a member of his family comes to rescue him.
How we feel watching the scene
Lighting and colour
Warm-makes feel comfortable, safe, welcoming.
Cold- feels sterile, clean,futunistic,technological.
Bright- feels more lively, energised, vibrant.
Dull- feel calm, quiet, boring, old.
Natural- sources are sun/moon, feels like real life
Artificial- Man-made sources, feel unnatural.
Pallette- The colours used in that shot e.g nature palette will have colours found in nature like browns/greens.
The scene where August cries to his mum about looking different.
- They don't even talk to me
- My face is ugly
- Is it always going to matter
- Auggie mum goes into his room to check on him, He tells her others make fun of him and she reassures him
- Theme - the importance of friend and family
Shots/Angle -
- close up used to show Auggie emotions
- Over the shoulder when mum speaks to show conversation from Auggie points of view.
-Warm dark colours
-This is a safe and comfortable space for Auggie to cry
-Dull colours - sad, lonely, sympathetic, calm quiet
- Natural light - is night-time.
Effect on the viewer
-Sympathetic. sad, sorry, lonely, depressed, miserable, downhearted, forlorn
Directors Purpose →
Emphasises the sadness of the moment and the importance of Auggies relationship with his family.
Co-Construct our SEXXXY paragraph
In the scene where Auggie cries to his mother about being bullied, colour and lighting are used to create an atmosphere of sympathy. We see this through the use of warm and dull colours in the shot.
These make the space feel safe and comfortable for Auggie to express his emotions. This makes us understand how Auggie is feeling, miserable, oppressed and depressed because he looks different from his peers. He asks his mum, 'will it always matters' which is a feeling most in the audience can relate too. This was done to show the theme, the importance of friendship and family, because Auggie learns resilience by talking issues through his mum. Combine with this is the use of close-up shots to shows the emotions and tears on Auggie face. The viewer of a moment later in the story where Auggie is upset because his sister Via doesn't want him to go to her play. Just like this scene, Auggie runs to his room upset and a member of his family comes to rescue him.
Friday, 13 March 2020
Workshop 2: The impact of angles movement & shots
Shot 1:
Jack and Julien are fighting because Jack has chosen to stand up to Julien after he called Auggie a freak.
Close-up part of the action
Shots/Angles-Dutch tilt-something is wrong
Low angle-makes person on top look strong-jack
and the person below look weak and vulnerable-Julien
Viewers reaction shocked, concerned, worried, surprised
Jack has never stood up for Auggie before
Jack usually agrees with Julien.
Directors purpose close up used to make us feel part of the fight, see the characters' emotions and reactions
Use techniques to build our concern/shock.
Other techniques- Slow motion-used to show us the details in the tight-too fast otherwise
Music-mirror, slow tempo, dynamics increase from quiet to help us focus and create an atmosphere.
S- in the fight scene between Julien and Jack, camera Angeles are used effectively to draw the viewer into the scene. (E) This is demonstrated through the use of low angles, close-ups and dutch tilts shots. The low angle shot makes Jack look stronger and more aggressive, whilst Julien looks weak and vulnerable below him.
(X) This makes the audience feel concern, shocked and surprised because up till this point Jack has always agreed with Julien. (X) The director did this to draw the viewer into the event and highlight Jacks struggle to choose between being right or being popular. (X) Combined with this is the use of slow-motion and music which help us to see details on the characters faces and recognise their emotional reactions. (Y) This can be compared to the use of close -up shots at the staff of the film when we first meet Auggie. They are both used to show us a small part of a bigger moment.
Jack and Julien are fighting because Jack has chosen to stand up to Julien after he called Auggie a freak.
Close-up part of the action
Shots/Angles-Dutch tilt-something is wrong
Low angle-makes person on top look strong-jack
and the person below look weak and vulnerable-Julien
Viewers reaction shocked, concerned, worried, surprised
Jack has never stood up for Auggie before
Jack usually agrees with Julien.
Directors purpose close up used to make us feel part of the fight, see the characters' emotions and reactions
Use techniques to build our concern/shock.
Other techniques- Slow motion-used to show us the details in the tight-too fast otherwise
Music-mirror, slow tempo, dynamics increase from quiet to help us focus and create an atmosphere.
S- in the fight scene between Julien and Jack, camera Angeles are used effectively to draw the viewer into the scene. (E) This is demonstrated through the use of low angles, close-ups and dutch tilts shots. The low angle shot makes Jack look stronger and more aggressive, whilst Julien looks weak and vulnerable below him.
(X) This makes the audience feel concern, shocked and surprised because up till this point Jack has always agreed with Julien. (X) The director did this to draw the viewer into the event and highlight Jacks struggle to choose between being right or being popular. (X) Combined with this is the use of slow-motion and music which help us to see details on the characters faces and recognise their emotional reactions. (Y) This can be compared to the use of close -up shots at the staff of the film when we first meet Auggie. They are both used to show us a small part of a bigger moment.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Workshop 1: Unpacking the Themes & ideas
Kindness- verbal/physical action that is nice, caring, using manners, respect
Example- When jack sticks up for Auggie during the fight scene with Julien.
- Shows kindness-sticking up for a friend
-not letting others talk badly about friends
-Jack has previously not been kind, talked about Auggie behind his back.
- Important because -important because - helps people make friends
-builds a person self-confidence
-makes people feel accepted/included
-if there wasn't kindness Auggie wouldn't have made any friends, grown his self-confidence to be able to take off his helmet, Ro included at breaker prop.
importance of Friendship and family - trust, trust of others, support systems, people you feel safe with, help build resilience
Example 1: When the Pullman's dog Daisy dies.
-Shows theme- bring the family together to grieve
-show support for one another
- Auggie and Via put aside their argument to look after each other
Example 2: The fight at the Nature Reserve where Amas and the other boys come together to rescue Jack and Auggie from the Graders.
-Show theme- support because they stand up for each other
-Trust-the boys come to help them, they don't abandon each other
-resilience- the boys support each other to move forwards, they are all friends now.
Important to the story- Goods relationships with friends help Auggie build trust and feel safe. He takes the helmet
-his friendships with summer teach him resilience, trust and forgiveness
- His family are always there to support him when things go wrong at school.
Struggle between being right and being popular- Being right means showing integrity- doing the right thing each when no one is watching
-Being popular means agreeing with/acting in a way others want you to, even when you don't agree.
Example 1- When Jack chooses to stay with Auggie as his science partner instead of Julien.
Shows theme- Jack choose right over popular. Julien wanted to leave Auggie out and jack chose not to.
-in the past, Jack had picked friendship with Julien over Auggie.
Example 2- When SUmmer decides to sit with Auggie instead of the popular girls who were talking behind Auggie back.
Shows theme- Summer chose right not to sit and talk nasty with her friends, but to go and sit with Auggie who was alone
-Auggie doesn't trust her a first because of dack
Summer stays anyway and helps Auggie-link to the importance of friendships
Important to the story- the concept is relatable, everyone has to experience this so it helps to viewer to engage with the story.
-Makes kindness/relationships more obvious when we've seen the persons struggles.
Example- When jack sticks up for Auggie during the fight scene with Julien.
- Shows kindness-sticking up for a friend
-not letting others talk badly about friends
-Jack has previously not been kind, talked about Auggie behind his back.
- Important because -important because - helps people make friends
-builds a person self-confidence
-makes people feel accepted/included
-if there wasn't kindness Auggie wouldn't have made any friends, grown his self-confidence to be able to take off his helmet, Ro included at breaker prop.
importance of Friendship and family - trust, trust of others, support systems, people you feel safe with, help build resilience
Example 1: When the Pullman's dog Daisy dies.
-Shows theme- bring the family together to grieve
-show support for one another
- Auggie and Via put aside their argument to look after each other
Example 2: The fight at the Nature Reserve where Amas and the other boys come together to rescue Jack and Auggie from the Graders.
-Show theme- support because they stand up for each other
-Trust-the boys come to help them, they don't abandon each other
-resilience- the boys support each other to move forwards, they are all friends now.
Important to the story- Goods relationships with friends help Auggie build trust and feel safe. He takes the helmet
-his friendships with summer teach him resilience, trust and forgiveness
- His family are always there to support him when things go wrong at school.
Struggle between being right and being popular- Being right means showing integrity- doing the right thing each when no one is watching
-Being popular means agreeing with/acting in a way others want you to, even when you don't agree.
Example 1- When Jack chooses to stay with Auggie as his science partner instead of Julien.
Shows theme- Jack choose right over popular. Julien wanted to leave Auggie out and jack chose not to.
-in the past, Jack had picked friendship with Julien over Auggie.
Example 2- When SUmmer decides to sit with Auggie instead of the popular girls who were talking behind Auggie back.
Shows theme- Summer chose right not to sit and talk nasty with her friends, but to go and sit with Auggie who was alone
-Auggie doesn't trust her a first because of dack
Summer stays anyway and helps Auggie-link to the importance of friendships
Important to the story- the concept is relatable, everyone has to experience this so it helps to viewer to engage with the story.
-Makes kindness/relationships more obvious when we've seen the persons struggles.
Friday, 6 March 2020
Wonder Viewing Notes 1
Structure- Narrators change the perspective of the viewer- 1- Auggie, 2- Via, 3- Jack Will, 4- Miranda, 5- Auggie.
Opening Scene: 0.36-1.46
- Camera shots/Angles: Eye-level, close-up to make us think Auggie is in space, we later zoom out to see we are in his bedroom.
- Special Effects: Slow motion of Auggie jumping. Makes more realistic as in space, there is no gravity so people slower.
- Music/sound: Diagertic - ground control talking over the radio, gives us the idea we are in the space. Music tempo starts slowly with a quiet dynamic to match the slow-mo of outer space. The tempo picks up when we zoom out to see Auggie in his room.
- Symbols-Astronaut helmet. Represent the physical barrier Auggie puts between himself and others, even off its off people don't really see him.
This life leading a lamb to the slaughter
Science Classroom Scene 7.30s-9.28
Camera angle/Shot-Open high angle wide shot, makes the room look big and scary and the students look weak and vulnerable.
Body Language- Auggie walks with shoulders hunched, slouched posture, head down. this makes him look smaller and weaker.
Trying not to be noticed.
Auggies First Class: 14.31s-
-Over Shoulder eye level between Julian and Auggie. Cuts between Auggie close-up Auggie to show emotions and mid shots of Jullien and the rest of the class. Makes it feel like Auggie is done
-Summer 'when given the choice between being right and being kind. Choose kind'
-Starwars Symbols- Jullian references Darth Sideous.
-Auggie has a padewon braid (apprentice Jedi)
Star Wars Moments: Chewbacca shows us a understand why people, but how he wishes they deal with it.
- Everyone is the Stars Wars universe look strange, weird and deformed so no one treats them differently. This would be a safe place for Auggie because no one would stare.
-Auggie 'i'm sorry my staring made you uncomfortable
Julian & Jack Fight Scene 1.06-1:07.40
Camera Angles/Shots- Over the shoulder shots as Jack punches Julian, makes us feel part of the event.
-Low angle during fight-makes the person on top look stronger.
-Dutch tilt-lockers on an angle, used to show something isn't right in the world.
Special Effects- Slow motion-makes easier to see, especially emotions, also makes it feel more intense
Music/Sound- Tempo-slow, minor-sad, dynamics-quiet-intense
-music comes in with voice over-makes it feels reflective
Fight at the Nature Reserve: 1:29.40-1.32.35
Camera Angles/Shots- high angle shots down onto the bully, makes him look weeks and vulnerable white Auggie, Jack, amas and the of he's look strong.
Music- used to build tension, suspense.
-tempo -very quick rhythm
-dynamics- starts quiet but get louder as boys start running-build anxiety
-Chord minor-looked at with tempo makes it feel anxious.
Themes-importance of friendship & family
Conclusion/Ending 1.40.26-
Camera Angles/Shots - tilt shot up as Auggie bows, we are shown a similar scene to the opening only this time the background is actual space rather than painting on Auggies bedroom wall.
-Finishing with a repeat of the astronaut jumping arms up into the shot.
Music-major lay-happy
Tempo-fast gives energy
Dynamics-loud gives us energy Makes viewer feel happy about the ending!
Whereas at the start Auggie was imagining himself as happy, at the end he actually is happy which is why the background of the scene is now realistic.
Julian & Jack Fight Scene 1.06-1:07.40
Camera Angles/Shots- Over the shoulder shots as Jack punches Julian, makes us feel part of the event.
-Low angle during fight-makes the person on top look stronger.
-Dutch tilt-lockers on an angle, used to show something isn't right in the world.
Special Effects- Slow motion-makes easier to see, especially emotions, also makes it feel more intense
Music/Sound- Tempo-slow, minor-sad, dynamics-quiet-intense
-music comes in with voice over-makes it feels reflective
Fight at the Nature Reserve: 1:29.40-1.32.35
Camera Angles/Shots- high angle shots down onto the bully, makes him look weeks and vulnerable white Auggie, Jack, amas and the of he's look strong.
Music- used to build tension, suspense.
-tempo -very quick rhythm
-dynamics- starts quiet but get louder as boys start running-build anxiety
-Chord minor-looked at with tempo makes it feel anxious.
Themes-importance of friendship & family
Conclusion/Ending 1.40.26-
Camera Angles/Shots - tilt shot up as Auggie bows, we are shown a similar scene to the opening only this time the background is actual space rather than painting on Auggies bedroom wall.
-Finishing with a repeat of the astronaut jumping arms up into the shot.
Music-major lay-happy
Tempo-fast gives energy
Dynamics-loud gives us energy Makes viewer feel happy about the ending!
Whereas at the start Auggie was imagining himself as happy, at the end he actually is happy which is why the background of the scene is now realistic.
Themes - Wonder
What am I learning?
I am learning about Auggie theme film.
How does this work show my learning?
Creating a poster and explaining an example how does Auggie show kindness.
What am I wondering?
Im not wondering anything at this time.
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Food Technology safety/hygene
Today we are doing the task of the safety and not safety, it's all about in the kitchen like you didn't wash the dishes properly, u leave the rubbish on the floor and more other things that not good for the kitchen because if you leave dishes in the kitchen it will stink and called dirty kitchen. If you don't hold the knife properly you will cut your self or another person beside you. If you leave your table dirty it will get the stink and it's not good because when the teacher checks your table its dirty they will tell you off to clean it. if you just leave the floor wet and don't dry, someone might slip on a wet floor and they get it hurt there self.
Kiwi Baker - Scones
Today im blogging about what we did last week when we are doing the cooking, My group is Khyle, He is my old friend and we always play together and hang out.
Last week we did the cooking and we are making scones and we work well with my group and we working as a group and my other friend working with other friend and I was so happy because I was working with my friend and we are the same religion. The first thing that we did is we were listening to the teacher and looking at the ingredients paper and we can see there what we need like 1/2 of a teaspoon. After we look we go and get the ingredients and equipment. So first I was turning on the oven and after getting the Equipment and put it on the table.

Last week we did the cooking and we are making scones and we work well with my group and we working as a group and my other friend working with other friend and I was so happy because I was working with my friend and we are the same religion. The first thing that we did is we were listening to the teacher and looking at the ingredients paper and we can see there what we need like 1/2 of a teaspoon. After we look we go and get the ingredients and equipment. So first I was turning on the oven and after getting the Equipment and put it on the table.
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