In our group, we are almost ready to film. We are going to film today next week if we can. So my character is Flynn. Janel character is Mother Mother, Qyn character is Rapunzel. we're gonna film in the playground. So my role is to say Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair.
Director: Christian
Narrator: Khyle
Editor: Faye
Rapunzel: Qyn
Flynn: JV
Gothel: Janel
- Script:
Flynn: “Rapunzel! Rapunzel! let down your hair”
Rapunzel: “Ok mother”
Narrator: “ Rapunzel lets down her hair”
Narrator:“ Flynn pulls her hair and Rapunzel falls down the tower”
Narrator: “ Flynn kidnaps Rapunzel and puts her in a sack
Narrator: ten minutes later
Gothel: “Rapunzel let down your hair
Narrator: “Rapunzel is gone”
Gothel: “Rapunzel where are you, Rapunzel?”
Narrator: “Rapunzel has been kidnapped! Mother Gothel tries to find a way to enter the tower to look for Rapunzel but she can’t find any way to enter”
Gothel: “Rapunzel!! I’m not playing!”
Gothel: come out right now!!!”
Narrator: As Mother Gothel looks down, she sees a golden piece of hair on the grass.
Narrator: Mother Gothel digs a hole and finds a key. She looks for a trap door and she uses the key to unlock the door. She goes down the trap door and up the hidden stairs. When she gets inside of the tower, she tries to find Rapunzel, but Rapunzel is nowhere to be seen.
Narrator: Mother Gothel starts to worry
about Rapunzel. She leaves her basket on the ground and starts to look for Rapunzel in the forest.
Gothel: Rapunzel… Where are you? Are you ok?
Rapunzel: (whispering) MOTHER!!! Help me! I'm dying!
Rapunzel: (whispering) MOTHER!!! Help me! I'm dying!

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