Aim: To learn about a saturated solution and how to make crystals
Definition of the solution:
A liquid mixture, when something is dissolved into a liquid (eg: sugar in water)
Definition of saturated:
Having or holding as much as can be absorbed of something (when no more sugar or borax can be dissolved into the water)
In groups of three, you will make three different types of crystals and compare the results.
Borax Crystals

Ratio; 3 Tablespoons Borax per 1/2 cup water
1) Pipe cleaners
2) String
3) Pegs
4) Cups
5) Borax
7) Salt
8) string
9) Ice cream stick
Step 1: Get a cup and put 3 scopes of borax
Step 2 Mix it with your ice cream stick, you need a timer like 5 to 10 minutes
Step 3: You need pipe cleaners, make it a star
Step 4: You need pegs to clip your star
Step 5: Get your pegs and put it inside in your cup
Step 6: Then wait until 3 or 4 days you will see the result
Sugar Crystals
1) cup
3) warm water
4) Ice cream stick
5) String
Step 1: Get your equipment
Step 2: Put 3 scope sugar
Step 3: Put warm water in a half cup
Step 4: Mix it with your ice cream stick, After 5 to 10 minutes
Step 5: Tie the string into the middle of the stick, But don't get along the string.
Step 6: Put the stick in the cup
Step 7: You need to wait like 3 days or 4 days to see the result

Ratio: 4 Tablespoons salt to 1/2 cup water
1) String
3) Warm water
4) Cup
5)Ice cream stick
Step 1: You need to get a cup and put 3 scopes of salt.
Step 2: You need to put warm water not full, half only.
Step 3: You need to mix the water and the borax.
Step 4: Mix it until 5 to 10 minutes.
Step 5: Get an ice cream stick.
Step 6: Get string, cut it in half.
Step 7: Tie the string in your ice cream stick.
Step 8: Wait until 3 or 4 days to see the result.
Describe your crystals in the table below.
Crystal Type
(Describe the shape) |
(of individual crystals) |
(Crumbly to Rock Hard) |
| Cube | Small | Medium hard |
| |||
What crystals worked out best and why?:
After watching the videos as a class, explain how the following crystals are formed:
Salt is the main mineral in seawater, making up three-quarters of the 3.5 of dissolved minerals in seawater. Salt also occurs naturally in mineral deposits, where it is known as rock salt. Because New Zealand has no rock salt deposits.
Sugar is made from sugarcane, They have a machine and then they put sugar on it. They take all of the sugar out from the sugar. That's how raw sugar is made. After the put the raw sugar and make them into white sugar.
Snowflakes begin to form when an extremely cold water droplet freezes onto a pollen or dust particle in the sky. This creates an ice crystal. As ice crystal falls to the water vapour freezes onto the primary crystal, building new crystal the six arms of the snowflake
Hi JV, you have added information about how crystals are formed, well done. You need to add a conclusion below the table about snowflakes, salt and sugar so that you can earn a point. Keep up the great work!